Autumn Nature Walk 🍂 🍁

2nd and 3rd class both enjoyed a nature walk with Bean Uí Riain this the week! They went on a tree hunt, searching for Irish native trees and their leaves. The children collected many fruits and seeds, some of which will be planted in the school garden in the coming weeks.

Everyone had a great time observing nature at work. It was lovely to see evidence of the changing season all around the countryside!

Aqua Class 2021

The boys & girls in the Aqua Class have been learning & exploring lots of new things.
We are practicing our reading every day.

To celebrate autumn we made colourful leaf rubbings, friendly squirrels & leafy hedgehogs.
During sensory play time we played with cornflour, shaving foam, playdoh & dried foods.
We had fun with our friends walking on the track, playing in the yard & doing yoga in our classroom.

This month we made ghosts, spiders and witches. We are listening to Halloween songs & rhymes. Happy Halloween everyone!

Senior Infants 2021

Senior infants have been delighted to be back at school. They are enjoying time on the playground, autumn themed art, investigating new math concepts with their partners, and of course Aistear! 🙂 It is great to see them all so delighted to be back in the classroom playing and learning alongside their peers.